The Well-Being of a Territory

“Per-Corso” (Itinerary) is a six-days training activity aiming at working in Experiential Tourism. Participants have been experiencing “Authenticity”, “Identity”, “Experiential HospitalityMulti-sensorial Emotions” since last June 6th 2017: these ones are the keywords of this experience-organized and itinerant initiative in the area of Romagna. It aims at living and knowing territories, institutions, companies and people, and at listening to meaningful testimonies as well as learning educational contents. This Per-Corso was created and realized in Italy by the Facilitator of Marketing of the Territory Andrea Succi. Its participants have been hosted at Stafer where they have listened to the narration of Sara Cirone, CEO of Stafer, explaining the strategical importance, not only limited to the business field, of a territory. Her narration follows here.

Well-being and citizenship, territory and strategic value

Why do we refer to well-being related to citizenship? What does actually mean being a citizen? First of all, it means being people. People living in the company and – at the same time – in a territory. This double individual citizenship strictly links each company to its territory: in fact, its territory is the environmental and social context containing both ecological and cultural resources where each company can express its own potentialities, searching for collaborations and synergies in a virtuous and mutual perspective. Territory, in turn, is the key and strategical resource for local economical business development.

Enhancing both companies and local context is competitively successful: every company lives and grows in its territory. Here relies our national excellence: involvement should support promotion and visibility to those local forces situated in the territory, thus enhancing its natural, cultural, entrepreneurial heritage. This perspective is addressed to a locally-situated economical and well being development.

Well-Being: a Shared Value  

When we refer to well-being, we mean a shared value belonging to people and their community where they meet together. The company should be the shared space where well-being is translated in concrete actions addressed to all employees. This purpose is realized through the so called intangibles  including all those immaterial values completing a material remuneration: quality of life, quality, cohesion, dignity and importance to every person. These ones have the capability to involve various individual dimensions (including the strictly material one and the cultural, civil, environmental, spiritual ones). Well-being can also mean a  holistic, complete and integral perspective addressed to personal and social enhancement.

Well-being and Responsibility

The concept of a citizen’s well-being within a company includes ourselves as well as other people: thus, an awareness of others’ and one’s own well being is necessary. When we collaborate together aiming at the well-being of our company, we should understand it depends on our action and thus on our responsibility. For this reason, a company adopts business innovation and CSR initiatives aiming to make responsibility become concrete and authentic. It involves ourselves and other people being also addressed to social, ecological, cultural and generational environment.

Business and its Territory

We have already expressed the concept of a strict connection between business companies and their own territory. Even if they are fundamentally different, our opinion is they are still fields with common values and goals, i.e. resources, people and social enhancement. These are responsible of a decisive competitiveness and lead to the acknowledgement of strategic forces intertwined in our territory.

Therefore, the inauguration of a renewed competitiveness with the capability to fully enhance our excellence as citizens, companies and public administrations is essential. We all aim together at the well-being of our territory.





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