In the previous article we have seen that the Territorial Patrimony, that is the set of the historical, natural, cultural, interpersonal Assets and of the Goods and economic services and for the community, can be the starting point to create social innovation, new entrepreneurship and a reinterpretation of our economy in terms of evolution.

Now we make a further step: how can we create value starting from this Patrimony in which our Country is so rich?

First of all, it’s necessary to enhance the uniqueness and the specificities of every territory. So, it’s necessary to work starting from each target community: each of the expresses its own capital in terms of monuments, archaeological sites, natural landscape, traditions, enogastronomy, handicraft, institutions and public and private associations and economic network.

To create a connection between this Patrimony and the target community, creating a value which is able to pour the whole society, determining widespread prosperity and a better condition of life, it’s necessary to go through three important points: 1) managerial approach, 2) vision, 3) integral ecology.

The managerial approach
Small and big companies, associations or public administrations, which want to implement new projects or new models of development of their activity, have first of all to start thinking in strategic and integrated way (integrated thinking). A type of skill which is able to link the different tangible and intangible issues of its work which allows an overview of the existing and of the aims and future strategies and which considers the Integrated Reporting a practical tool for managing and systemic representation.

In fact, through this kind of approach it’s possible to implement a precise strategic all-inclusive planning which gives the opportunity to study in depth budget, monitoring and Management control. The enforcement of this serious and punctual way of working at all the projects in our territory, without accepting as fact their value that often is likely to be “undercurrent” or is not fully disclosed in a complete and widespread way, would allow a full sharing with the local community, a further involvement and a greater social cohesion.

The vision
Now more than ever, the message that comes from the reality is loud and clear: it’s time to change our economic development by making it sustainable! We need behaviours and interconnections between the various actors that are virtuous towards people, the community and the environment. To ensure that there can be a good future and of wellbeing for us for our children it’s essential that companies, institutions, associations, public administrations incorporate the goals of the UN Agenda 2030 into their strategies. If we focus on innovation and sustainability, inside a system which is able to create shared value for all, we could have a regeneration of our economy and our territories and a long-term perspective for the activities working in it also thank to the assessment and the measurement of the intangible, to welfare policies towards the workers, to the loyalty of the whole community and to the strengthening of the brand.
Likewise an important contribution to the reconciliation of economy, society, communities and environment can result from the Benefit societies, whose reason for being is having a statuary goals of Common Welfare, a positive impact on the society, that can be considered an important competitive edge for the companies themselves, precisely because they are a forefront model with regard to the issues of Sustainability.
So, it’s necessary to change the vision of things and to switch from an economic concept that focuses on the competition of the actors to a collaborative system of solidarity and sustainability. Only if we will be able to give up the culture of waste, to hug a man-sized economy dedicated to the Common Welfare and to the creation of long-term value, as wished in the “Manifesto of Assisi”, to which Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society is a signatory, we can hope a better future, also by starting from the economic and social debris that the crisis caused by the Coronavirus will leave behind.

The integral ecology
In fact, this is the model of ecological conversion we wish in order to ensure the future of our planet and our civilisation. The present crisis can be considered as a great opportunity for change, to move in a decisive way and at a brisk pace towards the model of “integral ecology” expressed in the Encyclical Laudato Sì, a new horizon of ecosystem thought that can help us to face the future not as gregarious of other countries but as leader of the Green economy and economy of the inclusion. Our cultural tradition, landscape tradition, the source of our system of social and economic values, our territorial capitals, are a competitive edge that goes through the environmental and resources protection and through the investment in people, in a vision of the economy that puts humanity at the centre, in order to overcome inequalities and to spread the real innovation that crosses the outskirts of existence and to create prosperity for all.

Sara Cirone Group Srl Benefit goes in this direction: through its actions, it promotes the integrated solutions that take into account the interaction of natural systems, economic and social systems in order to give new boost to the territorial realities and to create shared value for the whole community.

Working for the community, a new entrepreneurship and a new vision of the relationship between man and nature: only this can ensure the future of our planet and of our civilisation.






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