Udine is the town where the step of the roadshow about the common Good will take place on 29th January, the roadshow promoted by Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society in partnership with Animaimpresa, Udine Confindustria, OIBR, Assobenefit, UCID, AIDP Triveneto. The meeting “The new generations. The world we wish to give our children” will take place at Torriani Palace, headquarters of Confindustria, at 17.30. and it will be attended by important speakers: Silvana Olivotto, Councillor of the Environment of the Municipality of Udine, Sara Cirone founder of the Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society, Davide Boeri, President of the Youth Group Udine Confesercenti and of the CEO Cromofriuli, Fabio Passon, President of the Young Entrepreneurs Group FVG of Confcommercio, Elena De Matteo, FVG Legacoop Generation, Alberto Betossi, Youth Group Animaimoresa, Giampaolo Elia, contact person of Young Ucid Entrepreneurs-Managers-Traders, Enrico Todesco, President of the Young Entrepreneurs’ Movement of Enterprise Confartigianato Udine. Francesco Marangon, professor at the Udine University will introduce and moderate the discussion.

A new economy for the future generations.
The event, which will be plastic free, is part of the path toward the event “The economy of Francesco” called for by Pope Francis to meet young economists, researches and entrepreneurs from the 26 to the 28 March in Assisi in order to stipulate a pact to ensure that the economy of today and tomorrow is more sustainable, fairer and more fraternal and that it considers the starring role of those who today are excluded. It’s the young people of Animaimpresa who have followed the various phases of the event of the 29th January, connecting other young people who will be the main rapporteurs of the meeting: young people of Confindustria, of Confcommercio, of Legacoop, of Animaimpresa and of Ucid which will talk us about posterity and future generations. Concrete Answers to make a step toward the future for a sustainable development that protects the environment and that sees an intragenerational and intergenerational solidarity.

The transition from the profit economy to the integral ecology
We are dealing with the implementation of the transition wished by Pope Francis and that coincides with the vision of the economic system that Sara Cirone Group Benefit Society is pursuing with its own activity: from an economy based on the utilitarian exploitation for his own gain of the resources and of the persons, with rates of use and waste that are no more sustainable and that have produced an ecological, ethical and cultural deterioration, to what Pope Francis calls “integral ecology”, that is an economic system that takes into account the harmonious linkage of economy, environment and the demands of the human being.

The dreams of young people
That’s why the step of Udine is very important and it musters researchers, entrepreneurs, the world of the trade associations, workers, economic and political players, in order to make a move toward the future of the civilisation that leads to a harmonious development of the interpersonal and intergenerational relationships.
So, “To give back a soul to economy” is the great challenge of this step of the roadshow, through the awareness of all actors in civil society to the creation of new economic models that hold together environmental sustainability, care of the common house, respect for the environment, justice for poor people, dignity of workers, social fairness and rights of the future generations. That is the dream of young people.






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