Social Diseases and Ripercussions over the Person in the Society of Identity’s Problematization. Prospects of Awareness of CSR

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Our lives are increasingly social. Moreover, we are increasingly committed to building our identities in a social sense. Giulia Reina reflects about what today the identity is. She has already made us reflect with her book: Caterpillars, toads and snakes. Changing Skin on the Brim of the Abyss (Ravenna, Modern Editions). A book to understand the need for changing: rebirth and change one’s skin. The solution to survive.

We can read a new chapter of her reflection. We ask to ourselves as she does with herself, too: what is a social disease? In that sense, a disease may be social?

Social being – today – means to be exactly like us. We are immersed in a world of people. Therefore, our action should be for shared by definition and finds its context in the social, family, business and personal spheres, where it finds its consistence and often is in comparison with structural limits of the context that is around.

The meeting

The social relationship sometimes tends to become constraint and this at times can limit one’s freedom: the natural conflict between free and limited action which causes disease is the focus of our interest today. Internet, drugs, gambling, alcohol addictions, bulimia and anorexia, stress and burn-out, depression, gender-based violence are some of the new social diseases.

On Wednesday, 9th November, at 11:30 am, at the Hall Bigari in the Municipality of Faenza, a meeting to assess together the impact of new “social diseases” on competitiveness and corporate social responsibility will be held. The paradox of living in the most established society of individualism and of considering the impact of new diseases of a social nature, which originate in the contexts where individuals act and reflect on their identities with strong effects and psychological problems for persons in a global sense.

These issues will be tackled and will be discussed by Claudia Gatta, Councillor for Social Services, Housing Policy and Home, Policies and Gender Culture; Andrea Luccaroni, Councillor for Volunteerism and Associations, Participation and Social Inclusion; Monica Morelli, President SME Development, Julia Reina, Designer and Project Coordinator.

An Itinerary of Identity and Sensitivity

It is an campaign aimed to awaken a sensitivity in the name and encouraging the creation and development of an awareness as a result of a new way of understanding the current management and the corporate world, where the strategic management and competitive advantage will be realized concurrently and together with a mature vision focused upon the person and in the name of positive interaction with the outside world (environment, people, territory, symbolic heritage).

In this sense we can now refer to the Corporate Social Responsibility, the one that the European Commission defines as “a voluntary decision, by the company, to contribute to the advancement of society and the protection of the environment, integrating social and environmental concerns in business operations and in their interactions with stakeholders (stakeholders)”.

This knowledge wants to deepen the notion of one’s identity and allows us to develop a story able to speak of us and our reality to others. When we have achieved this, the circle is closed and something is actually being done.

Today is Tomorrow: CSR

This careful perspective is just the one belonging to a complex vision strongly oriented to the totality. This awareness of the issues of CSR and this enhancement of the person means listening, growth, education and story: it encourages us to deepen our interest during this meeting that move its analysis from premises very close to us.

They are close to us and to you, too, because we think the company as a world of people. Today, we and Julia can explore the repercussions over the person of the society that problematizes identity.





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