Meeting in Bologna: Intangibles and Integrated Balance. The Hidden Value in SMEs

The next Friday, April 24th, you are expected from 14.00 to 18.00 at the UNAWAY HOTEL in Bologna to the debate promoted by APCO (Italian Professional Association of Management Consultants) which will have as a theme Intangibles and Integrated Balance: the Hidden Value in SMEs. At the event, the speakers Giuseppe Bruni, President of APCO, Luigi Zambon, Professor of Business Administration at the University of Ferrara, Laura Girella, Professor at the University Ca ‘Foscari of Venice, Paolo Ricotti, Founder of PLEF and Professor at the University of Milan Bicocca and Roberta Bortolucci, President of Study Center Project Woman and Diversity, will be present. An opportunity to talk about intangibles and find out which direction the management of the future will choose.
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