First event at EXPO: "A New Economy is Possible"

The first one of the 12 meetings organized in the context of  “Il Senso Ritrovato” by PLEF will occur on Wednesday, May 13th, at the Stand of the Civil Society “Cascina Triulza” of EXPO 2015: on that occasion, the meeting will be presented by STAFER. Therefore, the  speech will be let to the association NEXT, which has been spreading the value of an economic approach oriented to the respect of human being and environment, through a series of  participations, among which we remind the one of Fabrizio Botta, coordinator of the day, as well as the ones of Ugo Castellano, of the “Solidas” Foundation, of Giovanni Battista Costa, President of NEXT, and of Paolo Ricotti, Founder of PLEF. From 10,30 AM to 18 PM, the day will have as a theme: “A New Economy is Possible: when Sustainable Economies Meet”.
Furthermore, in the afternoon, from 15 PM to 17 PM, the theatrical performance “Label, a Matter of Etiquette”, of Massimo Donati and Alessandra Nocilla, on the theme of critical and responsible consumption, will be played by Claudia Facchini, of the “Teatri Reagenti” Company.
In the images below, you can visualize the complete program of the event
Evento-Next     Evento-Next2





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