The road show dedicated to the common Good and to the economic paradigm “The economy of Francesco” exceeds the boundaries of Emilia Romagna and it comes to the Marche region, it has been promoted by Sara Cirone Group Benefit society and sponsored by The Economy of Francesco and Asvis- national Alliance sustainable development and by the diocese of Ancona-Osimo, in partnership with OIBS, Assobenefit, AIDP.
In fact, the meeting “Integral Ecology. The common house is an ecosystem” will take place in Ancona at the “Giorgio Fuà” Faculty of Economics the 21st January at 18 p.m.  This event, that will be plastic free, will be attended by S.E. Mons. Angelo Spina, Metropolitan Archbishop of Ancona-Osimo, Gianluca Gregori, Rector Magnificent of the Polytechnic University of Marche region, Remo Fiori, President of the regional Marche UCID, Stefano Marasca, Polytechnic University of Marche region, Francesco Maria Chelli, Polytechnic University of Marche region, Danilo Scarponi, Polytechnic University of Marche region, Alberto Di Martino, UCID National Commission of Culture and Formation, Matteo Donati, President of the “Orto del sorriso” social agricultural cooperative of Jesi, Sara Cirone, founder of the Benefit Society Sara Cirone Group.

Moderator of the event will be Andrea Ragazzini, Chief Value Officer.

The value creation to enhance the quality of life.
Starting with the encyclical of Papa Francesco “Laudato sì” about the care of the common house, it will be considered the idea of value creation, that is at the basis of social, environmental and economic systems that characterise our contemporary world and that establish the improvement of the quality of life in Italian territories. It’s a new way to consider the organisations and their purposes, that highlights the real contribution of all tangible and intangible assets and, for this reason, that is an essential element for the posterity.
In fact, as the Pope wished, economy and ethic must be read in a new insight of the world and of the development system, at the centre of which there is the man and not the profit, so that it’s possible to eliminate inequalities and to overcome the social and anthropological crisis which is defining the world.

Integral ecology, a way to the future
In fact, if we don’t consider what Pope Francis called “integral ecology”, that is the protection of the environment in its wholeness and its interconnection with the human family, we may be facing serious imbalances that result in a deterioration of the territory and of the relationships between persons.
So, it’s essential to seek “integral solutions”, underlines the pope, “which consider the interactions within natural systems themselves and with social systems. We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental.  Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature.” So, this is the real pathways to Sustainability, it’s the one that considers the interpenetration of man and the environment in which he is, as is evident from the 17 goals of the ONU Agenda 2030.

A 360-degree development
It’s therefore necessary to expand the horizon, putting in place a development of the territories which considers in an integrated way the identity, culture, protection of the environment, quality of the spaces in which life of persons takes place, fight against degradation and poverty, in order to realise concretely the common good and so that there is an overall improvement of the quality of life of Italian territories.






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