A Sustainable Behaviour Able to Combine the “Strong” with the “Weak”
When you talk about sustainable tourism you mean, first of all, respecting the ecosystem of the territory you visit…
When you talk about sustainable tourism you mean, first of all, respecting the ecosystem of the territory you visit…
The mini collections realized for the “Sustainablity Project” will be in exhibition at the Tolomeo Art Space, in Milan…
The children of summer centre of Tennis Club of Faenza make us reflect on the importance of…
On July, 7th, 2015, in the hall of the workshop of Cascina Triulza, the Pavilion of the Civil Society of EXPO 2015…
“Sostenibilità” rappresenta per me l’identificarsi e relazionarsi con il proprio territorio senza più arroccarsi nei propri luoghi di lavoro…
On next Tuesday, July, 7th 2015, from 11 am to 5,30 pm, at the Workshop space of Cascina Triulza…
In the days of June, 18th-19th, 2015, in Milan, at the Steam Factory, the Green Retail Forum&EXPO took place…
On June, 19th 2015, the last meeting of the Provincial RSI Laboratory at the centre of Ravenna of ARPA Emilia-Romagna took place…
In order to celebrate the open day of Confindustria Ravenna, on the day June, 29th, 2015, from 5,15 pm, Stafer decided…
In occasion of the 70th anniversary of Confindustria Ravenna, on Wednesday, July 17th, in Faenza some events took place and involved Stafer…
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