Stafer Card: the Emilia-Romagna Region Recognized and Awarded its Value
On Tuesday, December 15th, 2015, Stafer was awarded a special mention for the Stafer Card project…
On Tuesday, December 15th, 2015, Stafer was awarded a special mention for the Stafer Card project…
You are President of a Foundation dealing mainly with the spread of the message of sustainability in the companies in order to create value and competitive advantage…
Friday, November 20th, 2015 – The appointment is in the City Council of Faenza where the institutions of the Province of Ravenna, the PLEF Foundation…
CRS is a very discussed topic in the world of enterprises. In your opinion, does CSR in Italy find the same response when it is to be applied to internal management and decisional policies of an organization?
Enterprises, in order to make real innovation, should have a priority: it represents a radical mutation which involves primarily the concepts of person and work…
The Festival of Culture and Enterprise was held in Faenza last week and was an occasion of comparison between the world of enterprise and the one of culture…
Since its debut, the World Wide Web has already affirmed itself as “system” with neither limits nor borders and today, after a few decades have passed since its entry in man life…
An assumption of Goethe explains art expresses itself as a sort of inquiring sight into nature, that means art is representation and not pure imitation…
Il Corriere Romagna, edizione di Faenza, 10 settembre 2015, “Eccellenze e tradizioni da promuovere rispettando l’ambiente…
September 9th, 2015 – In the workshop hall of Cascina Triulza, today in the late afternoon the Day of Sustainable Tourism will take place…
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