An "Open Factory" to the Community

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In my opinion, “sustainability” represents the identity and the relationship with our own territory without the need to find isolation in our own work place, but with the one – instead – of creating a widespread participation between enterprise and community of reference. Sustainability, expression that can hardly find a single meaning, is the possibility to create welfare not only “inside” but also “outside”, to lead the enterprise out of its own structural context because it should act responsably towards its environment and its people. An enterprise is not longer only an economic institution, it is not only a context where capital is produced, but it is – first of all – a space animated by persons who put their competences, capacities, passions at the service of the enterprise. The production of immaterial goods of which I talked about is something which refers primarily to internal resources of an enterprise: the welfare and the good health of an enterprise depend on the welfare which is perceived by people who work in it, but the objective, which is not – in my opinion – so much utopian, even in the context of a medium enterprise as ours, is to make borders between company and external community and between work and everyday life always more subtle.

This change is possible starting from a concrete involvement of internal resources: by making people feel the enterprise is not only a source of products and capital, but it is a socially active and a “sociable” place. For this reason, in Stafer we dedicate particular attention to initiatives and projects which aim at creating social cohesion and familiar climate. One of the most significant activities which summarizes what I mean for involving internal resources and external community is undoubtedly the one which we called “Open Factory”. With this definition we intend a day which is dedicated to the presentation of the company, to its productive practice, but – also – an opening which aims at illustrating to visitors the activities which we practice to make concrete and operating the sustainable spirit which animates our processes. This responsibility towards the territory leads us first of all to refer to children who represent the futuretowards which sustainability leverages to sensitize next generations to respect and protect the ecosystem. In the last day of “Open Factory”, held on June, 29th, we could admire – in this way – the panels which had been decorated by children of CRE (Summer Recreational Centres) of the territory that enriched our vegetable garden with lovely drawings inspired by the fruit of the nature. The vegetable garden itself was at the centre of the interest of visitors and testified that “culture” is most of all produced in a company and not only objects or services: a culture that is at the service of community.






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