A Humanistic Model in Business Management

IMG_6273In the field of global economic development “change”, or rather the establishment of a responsible economic model in business management, must not be labeled as “possible” but essential, urgent and crucial. Such evidence came to light in lecturers speeches in Ravenna Chamber of Commerce on 23 May, in occasion of the 14 th Economy Day celebration. Today’s economic model has failed, and as soon as possible it must be replaced by new models anthropologically oriented towards well-being and not people exploitation. Generating positive energy for a positive economy is our goal towards which a business management sensitivity, defined by us “humanistic management”, is directing us, and we hope to promote it inside and outside Romagna. We believe communities and territories are on the whole the centers of attention for an Italian PMI. The connection with the environment and the community a company belongs to generates “positive energy” for people and the company competitiveness. A firm is not therefore an isolated atom that produces and ignores the context. In order to contribute to well-being and a territory positivity a company has to participate in the community life itself and people’s life. Yet, “being present” does not mean “invading”, but rather “supporting”, this is the reason why companies support to workers cannot be limited to work hours, but concerned with all aspects of daily life. Such perspective will help the worker himself consider his job as an integrated part to his life. We think speaking of private life and work life as separated spheres is unadvisable, we would better speak of continuum. Only when the conditions that enable us to live our life in a work environment are created, we can talk about sustainability and as a consequence we will have increased life quality of all people involved in the company’s community life.

IMG_6285With this intention we have created activities and projects which aim at conveying positivity to people through company integration inside the community, but above all at integrating workers’ interests inside their workplace, which means taking daily life back to workplace. In this respect some “cultural development” projects were born, such as: Stafer Card, a conventions system concerning over 80 commercial activities of the territory of Faenza, created to make daily purchases easier for our 65 human resources who have directly chosen and selected their preferred commercial activities; Stafer garden, set up exclusively with reclaimed materials, to promote workers cohesion and enhancement of sustainability inside business environment. The garden is entirely looked after by the employees, who take care of maintenance daily. Stafer cinema: periodic screening of movies or documentaries, sometimes with special contributions by directors, to create moments for in-house training by means of aggregation and discussion on environmental and social issues. Projects in continuous evolution, growing together with our resources, because the company makes us feel like home, and not only during these initiatives, with a constant presence in all situations of our life: in case of a loss or disease, in the joy of a birth or a joyful event, in the time of need as in the scream of victory.
IMG_6265These are some of the activities of what we mean “business humanistic model” which should suggest the management world that a company is not outside the community, on the contrary the company itself is a community with the same requirements of creation and sharing of a common social horizon that can only be reached through the diffusion of a sensitivity aimed at fostering the integration of “life” into work.





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