Andrea Segrè and the FICO Foundation

About FICO

According to what Andrea Segrè, President of the Food Farming Centre of Bologna and Professor of International and Compared Agriculture at the Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, now also President of the FICO Foundation, has declared to newspapers, the FICO project is addressed to increasing the food farming sensitivity of a formerly existing public institution, where the fruit and vegetable market used to be located. The initial idea was to create a small citadel of food and sustainability.   

Bologna has been immediately selected as “city of excellence” for what concerns the food farming project. In fact, the city has an inseverable link with the food tradition and its reputation of hospitality is lost in the times.

The FICO food farming park plays an educational role due to its proximity with the Agriculture Department. Moreover, it fosters the involvement of four Universities (Bologna, Trento, Napoli and Pollenzo) and is a scientific centre of animal and vegetal biodiversity, food education and reconstruction of the food (cultivation and breeding) supply chain.  

Finally, the concept of park is in relation to those values of entertainment and leisure, cooking lessons, 360° sensorial experience, food tastings, games, carousels and possibility to buy typical products.  

Territory and tradition of values

The FICO project is absolutely linked to the territory of Bologna: it revives the food of the old tradition, through tastings and cooking classes. Furthermore, it revives the hospitality and community spirit and involves people belonging to its territory and rooted there.  


Andrea Segrè and FICO are rightfully committed in the theme of sustainability. In fact, these values are the inspiring principles of all the projects that every day are reproposed to the visitors of the food farming park.





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