Giulia Reina. A book about the Necessity to Change

giulia-reina-bruchi-rospi-serpentiWhat do we intend for abyss? Giulia would know it and we would, too.

When you reach the negative border, when we have the perception we are just a step from the failure or even you have just passed it are, as Giulia reveals, occasions life offers in order to change and seize the opportunity it is granted to us. From the psychological point of view, in fact, we are naturally lead to the “compulsion to repeat”: reiterating and keep doing what one has always done corresponds to our unconscious need for continuity.

The abyss, in this view, represents, for the one who faces it, the way we can draw from our resources and energies deeply enclosed in ourselves. Something that, in the usual moments, we hardly believe can exist.

The idea of Giulia was the one to give life to a book which can be most of all the witness and the invitation at the same time for the readers who, as Giulia, are in the situation to live in a moment in which the necessity to change appears in evidence. Changing, in Giulia’s book, is a matter of urgency and need which cannot be extended: in her existence, this fact was evident because she was suffering from psoriasis. With this disease, she has reached the culmination.

Rebirth is, in the writer’s opinion, the solution to survive: the visual metaphor of Giulia changing her skin is equivalent to change, if appropriate, and search the right way to proceed. The book is, therefore, the expression and, at the same time, the collection of testimonies of the most different fields, with the common fact that all the protagonists who are narrating themselves are in the same way at the point to make the consideration they have to change the course of the events.

Bruchi-Rospi-e-Serpenti-Copertina (1)A dermatologist, an acupuncturist, a mother, two Managing Directors, a patient of psychoanalysis, a father of an autistic son, an anorexic girl and her mother: besides the story of Giulia, these are the experiences near the limit the book narrates.
The testimony of Sara makes us comprehend also the management has reached the point in which changing is necessary. Changing means thinking and acting in a different way. Culture, civilization, responsibility are the dimensions which relate to economy: the creation of added value, both at symbolic and immaterial level, through the intangibles becomes the real key to an innovative  management of enterprise able to produce community and society and creating welfare for people.
Changing one’s own skin: exactly as animals, caterpillars, toads, snakes do. We can do it, too: even when the abyss stands in front of us.
Reina G., (2016), Bruchi, rospi e serpenti. Cambiare pelle a un passo dal baratro, Ravenna, Edizioni Moderna.





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