“Can industry set goals? Are they simply in the profit index? Isn’t there beyond the apparent rhythm something more fascinating, a destination, an inclination also in the life of a company?”

This phrase of Adriano Olivetti sums up very well the spirit behind the first National Day of the Benefit Societies that will take place in Florence the 29th November at the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio of Florence. The theme of the day will be “Let us change the company for a new model of Sustainable economic Development”.

An important event that acknowledges the fundamental contribution that the Benefit Societies are able to give, in order to state a new economic paradigm, that is more transparent, participatory and equitable.


The Benefit societies: a unique model in the economic landscape.
Also Sara Cirone Group Srl Benefit will attend the event in the person of Sara Cirone, who will be asked to report in a round table about the business that this kind of society brings with it: the fact that the Benefit society, at the time of its constitution, has to indicate next to the social Subject a Common Benefit, makes it unique in the economic landscape for the proactive and revolutionary force which carries with it.

Sara Cirone Group for the culture of the Sustainability
Sara Cirone Group Srl Benefit fits fully in this landscape. Specialized in strategic positioning in a sustainable way, in humanistic management of undertaking and in reporting of non-financial disclosures, promotion and development of participatory projects between companies, public administrations and non-profit organizations, this Group aims to disclose and implement in the lands the idea of “value creation” in a broad sense, in order to spread the culture of sustainability of the territories.

The intangible assets as development pillar
In fact, every organisation, whether a public administration, a company, an association, in performing its activity use several kinds of assets, of nature both economic-financial and intangible, that are processed by establishing in the lands a general contribution which is identified as “value creation”.
That makes the point that the economic-financial dimension is only one of the parts constituting the organizations. The intangible assets, namely all the variable of a non-physical nature that affect the strategic value of the organisation, are a real pillar for their own development.

Improve the quality of life of citizens
In this perspective, the organisations are not considered as simple structures, but as communities that cooperate for the production of goods and services aimed at improving the quality of life of all citizens.
As the artisan workshops of the past, a company or an association or a public administration lives and thrives thanks to human, natural and symbolic resources of its territory, that is essential element of its identity and of its development.

Contribute to the regeneration of the territory
So, the action of Sara Cirone Group moves from the conviction that it’s important to restart from the man, form his worldview, from his role inside the polis and from his relationship with the other elements of the territory: institutions, company and organised civil society. Sara Ciroe Group wishes to give an active contribution to the development through the promotion of organisational policies which are inspired by the centrality of the person, in order to give value to both individuals and community.
Listening to humanity and the desire to develop with it are the basis of the proposal of Sara Cirone Group: not a stable and definitive model, but a participatory answer, that replies to the special needs of a community and its territory. According to the Group, this is the only way to promote the common Benefit characterising it: a real process of regional regeneration, that has to be considered not as a simple urban regeneration but as a new renaissance of the Italian territories.







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